The facilities in the lab provide students with a research-inspired laboratory experience that introduce standard Biomedical Techniques in the context of investigating a current and exciting research topics. The lab introduces student to cutting edges research facilities in a modular format.
List of Laboratories:
- Biosensors and Transducers Laboratory
- Biomedical and Virtual Instrumentation Laboratory
- Diagnostic and Interventional Equipment Laboratory
- Biomedical Signal Processing Laboratory
- Anatomy and Human Physiology Laboratory
- Pathology and Microbiology Laboratory
- Biochemistry Laboratory
Biosensors and Transducers Laboratory
Biosensors and Transducers laboratory has been introduced to the learners to understand the purpose of measurement, the methods of measurements, errors associated with measurements. This laboratory facilitates the learners in the field of transduction, classifications and characteristics of different transducers used in Biomedical applications.
List of Apparatus:
- RTD-PT100
- Hot water bath
- Regulated Power supply
- Digital Multimeter
- Oscilloscope
- LVDT kit
- Potentiometer
- Strain gauge trainer
- Photoelectric Transducer Kit
- Piezo-electric Transducer Kit
- Thermoelectric Transducer. Kit
- Ultrasound Transducer and Photo transducer
Biomedical and Virtual Instrumentation Laboratory
The biomedical and virtual instrumentation laboratory describes about the electrodes and the recording setup of various biological signals. It helps to understand about the electrical, non-electrical parameters and biochemical parameters.
List of Apparatus:
- ECG Recorder
- EMG Recorder
- EEG Recorder
- Accessories for Evoked Studies
- pH meter, conductivity meter
- GSR measurement setup
- Temperature transducers
Diagnostic and Interventional Equipment Laboratory
Diagnostic equipment is used for discovering the type or cause of an illness or other problems. Therapeutic equipment is the treatment of disease or disorder by remedial agents. The learners will be able to understand the medical devices applied in the measurement of parameters related to monitoring and transmitting of bio-signals.
List of Apparatus:
- Short wave Diathermy
- Ultrasound Diathermy
- Biotelemetry System
- Multiparameter Patient Monitoring System
- Electrical Safety Analyzer
- Spirometry with Associated Analysis System
- ECG Simulator
- Pacemaker and Defibrillator Simulator
- Medical Stimulator
- Surgical Diathermy with Analyzer
- Audiometer
Biomedical Signal Processing Laboratory
Biomedical signals are acquired from the human body to diagnose or detect specific pathological or physiological conditions. Additionally, these signals are employed to analyze biological systems in the healthcare.
List of Equipments:
- Bio-signal acquisition Hardware and Software
- Personal Computers
Anatomy and Human Physiology Laboratory
Human Anatomy is the branch of biology concerned with the study of the structure and parts of the human body. Physiology is the scientific study of functions and mechanisms of the body parts.
List of Models:
- Human Skeleton
- Eye-Model
- Ear- Model
- Brain-Model
- Heart-Model
Pathology and Microbiology Laboratory
Pathology is a medical specialty essential to patient care. This laboratory facilitates the examination of clinical specimens, interpretation, consultation, appropriate scientific investigation, and education in the prevention, recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of disease.
List of Apparatus:
- Microscope
- Laminar Air Flow
- Microtome
- Neubauer Chamber
- Capillary tubes
- Slides
- Coverslip
- Petridish
- Coupling Jar
- Water bath normal
- Incubator
- Autoclave
- Oven
- Heparinized Syringe
- Centrifuge Normal
- Lancet
Biochemistry Laboratory
Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms. It deals with the role of the bio molecules in biological system and also provides basic information on specific metabolic diseases and disorders associated with it.
List of Apparatus:
- Microscope
- Colorimeter
- UV –Vis Spectrophotometer
- ELISA Reader
- TLC Chamber
- Incubator
- Hot Air Oven
- Water Bath
- Centrifuge
- pH Meter
- Weighing Balance
- Refrigerator
- Microslides
- Lancet
- Haemoglobinometer
- Test Tubes
- Blood Group kit