Chemsoft club provides the resources and new ideas about chemical Engineering software from which club members can gain chemical engineering knowledge. It enhances the real-time simulations and trains the members in optimizing the chemical engineering processes. It explores the most cost-effective routes to chemical targets with computer-aided synthesis. Chemsoft club broadens the capabilities of Chemical engineers with enhanced skills on process simulations software & enables to get more chance to grab the job in the competitive world. Altogether, the club members actively share their knowledge and get trained up in open-source software.
- Chemical Engineering knowledge gain.
- Exposure to Open-source software to simulate chemical Engineering processes.
- To enhance the real-time simulations.
- To optimize the chemical Engineering processes.
- Getting more chances to grab jobs in the competitive world.
Chemical Engineering students.
Hands-on Training in Simulation and Optimization activities
Exposure to Industrial Chemical Engineering Processes
Dr. N. Umaiyambika, Chemical Engineering