List of Patents 2022- 2023
S. No | Applicant Name | Application Number | Patent Title | Inventor Names | Date of Filing | Date of Publication | Academic Year | Patent Granted (Yes/No) |
1 | Saveetha Engineering College | 202341004554 | Automatic Pet Emotion Prediction Device Using Artificial Intelligence | Dr.M.Vijay Anand Dr.E.Sujatha Dr.R.Kaladevi Dr. G.Nagappan Dr.J.Aswini | 23/01/2023 | 17/02/2023 | 2022-2023 | No |
2 | Saveetha Engineering College | 202341002412 | ANN Based Device for Reading Mood and Mind | Dr.R.Ramya Devi Dr.Anitha Julian Dr.V.Umarani Dr. G.Nagappan Dr.V.Vijaya Chamundeeswari | 12/01/2023 | 17/02/2023 | 2022-2023 | No |
3 | Saveetha Engineering College | 202341001671 | A Machine learning Model for Predicting Air Quality and Control the Same | Dr.R.Ramya Devi Dr.Anitha Julian Dr.E.Sujatha Dr. G.Nagappan Dr.V.Vijaya Chamundeeswari | 09/01/2023 | 20/01/2023 | 2022-2023 | No |
4 | Saveetha Engineering College | 202341001269 | An Artificial Intelligence Based Crutch for Handicapped | Ms.P.Preethi Ms.K.S.Rekha Dr.V.Loganathan Dr. G.Nagappan Dr.V.Vijaya Chamundeeswari | 06/01/2023 | 13/01/2023 | 2022-2023 | No |
5 | Saveetha Engineering College | 202241074035 | Plantain Tree Cultivation Utilizes a Deep Learning Model of Sequential Image Classifiers for Crop Disease Diagnosis | Dr.V.Umarani Dr.V.Loganathan Dr.Anitha Julian Dr. G.Nagappan Dr.V.vijaya Chamundeeswari | 20/12/2022 | 13/01/2023 | 2022-2023 | No |
6 | Saveetha Engineering College | 202241072055 | IOT Based Smart Water Bottle for Visually Handicapped People | Dr.V.Loganathan Dr.M.Vijay Anand Mr.N.V.Ravindhar Dr. G.Nagappan Dr.J.Aswini | 13/12/2022 | 30/12/2022 | 2022-2023 | No |
7 | Saveetha Engineering College | 202241071726 | A Compatible Platform for Health care Applications based on Internet of Medical Things | Dr.M.Vijay Anand Dr.V.Loganathan Dr.J.Aswini Dr. G.Nagappan Dr.R.Ramya Devi | 12/12/2022 | 30/12/2022 | 2022-2023 | No |
8 | Saveetha Engineering College | 202241072705 | A Novel Cross-Building Energy Prediction using a Combination of Deep Transfer Learning Approach | Ms.P.Preethi Ms.K.S.Rekha Dr.J.Aswini Dr. G.Nagappan Dr.V.vijaya Chamundeeswari | 15/12/2022 | 30/12/2022 | 2022-2023 | No |
9 | Saveetha Engineering College | 202241075461 | An IOT Based Voice Assistant Device with Artificial Intelligence to Assist Visually Impaired Person | Dr.J.Aswini Dr.M.Vijay Anand Mr.N.V.Ravindhar Dr. G.Nagappan Dr.V.vijaya Chamundeeswari | 26/12/2022 | 30/12/2022 | 2022-2023 | No |
10 | Saveetha Engineering College | 202241076319 | Blockchain Secure Interface for IOT Device Security Gateway Architectcure | Dr.E.Sujatha Dr.M.Vijay Anand Dr.R.Kaladevi Dr. G.Nagappan Dr.V.Loganathan | 28/12/2022 | 06/01/2023 | 2022-2023 | No |
List of Patents 2023- 2024
S. No | Applicant Name | Application Number | Patent Title | Inventor Names | Date of Filing | Date of Publication | Academic Year | Patent Granted (Yes/No) |
1 | Saveetha Engineering College | 202341042169 | System and Method for Tree Root Condition Identification to Safeguard Against Rain and Storm Hazards | Dr. G.Nagappan Dr.V.Vijaya Chamundeeswari Dr.S.Sasikumar Dr.M.Vijay Anand Dr.V.Loganathan | 23/06/2023 | 1/09/2023 | 2023-2024 | No |
2 | Saveetha Engineering College | 202341051874 | System and Method for Semiautomatic Magazine based Tool Changing Mechanism in Earth Moving Vehicles | Dr. G.Nagappan Dr.V.Vijaya Chamundeeswari Dr.S.Sasikumar Dr.M.Vijay Anand Dr.V.Loganathan | 2/08/2023 | 1/09/2023 | 2023-2024 | No |
Funding Granted
S.No | Project / Programme | Funding Agency | Year | Amount |
1 | Water Quality Prediction Using CNN | TNSCST | 2023 | 7500 |
2 | International Confernce on Application of AI, ML, DL,Big data on recent societal issues. | AICTE | 2022 | 400000 |
3 | Two weeks ISTE Workshop on Database Management Systems | IITB | 2013 | 162962 |
4 | 10Days Workshop on Engineering Thermodynamics | IITB | 2012 | 80000 |
5 | Aakash Android Application Programme Workshop for Students | IITB | 2013 | 17000 |
6 | Two weeks ISTE Workshop on Engineering Mechanics | IITB | 2013 | 138371 |
7 | Two weeks ISTE Main workshop on Analog Eclectronics | IITB | 2013 | 147514 |
8 | Two weeks ISTE Main workshop on Computer Programming | IITB | 2014 | 102253 |
9 | Introduction to Research methodologies | IITB | 2012 | 144172 |
10 | 2 Days ISTE workshop on Engineering Dynamics | IITB | 2012 | 156156 |
11 | Two weeks ISTE Main workshop on Cyber Secirity | IITB | 2014 | 147479 |
12 | Two weeks ISTE Main workshop on Computer Networking | IITB | 2014 | 113132 |
13 | Two weeks ISTE Main workshop on Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education | IITB | 2014 | 95005 |
14 | Two Days ISTE workshop on Signals and Systems | IITB | 2014 | 174956 |
15 | Two weeks ISTE Main workshop on Fluid Mechanics | IITB | 2014 | 167625 |
16 | Workshop on Engineering Physics | IITB | 2015 | 76000 |
17 | Two weeks ISTE STTP on Design of Algorithms | IITB | 2015 | 96000 |
18 | Workshop on Environmental Studies | IITB | 2015 | 175000 |
19 | Fun for purchase of Equipment and setup of Additional Infrastructure in the ELearning Classroom | IITB | 2016 | 276423 |
20 | Foundation Program in ICT for Education` | IITB | 2017 | 121000 |
21 | Workshop on CMOS mixed signal and Radio frequency VLSI Design | IITB | 2017 | 65000 |
22 | Workshop on Electric Power Systems | IITB | 2017 | 42000 |
23 | FDP on Pedagogy for online and Blended Teaching Learning process | IITB | 2017 | 121000 |
24 | Short Term Course on Forensic ansd Tools | NITTTR | 2017-2018 | 3600 |
25 | Farmers HUB | Smart India Hackathon | 2017-2018 | 300000 |
26 | Authentication of Property Registration using Block Chain | TNSCST | 2018-2019 | 7500 |
List of Publications
Academic Year 2021 – 2022
- H.Anwar Basha,S.Sasikumar,D.Dhanasekaran,J.Arunnehru,”A Proficient remote information responsibility Check Protocol in multi-cloud Environment”,Evolutionary Intelligence, 019-00273-y,pg:453–467
- H.Anwar Basha,S.Sasikumar,D.Dhanasekaran,”Multi-Keyword Privacy Security Protected Search Through Encrypted Data on Cloud Storage”,Turkish Journal of Computer Mathematics Education,1309-4653,Vol: 12, Issue: 7,pg:2341- 2348
- A.Prakash,M.Vijay Anand, M.Sudha,V.P.Gladis Pushparathi,”Theory Method and Applications of Deep Learning Impacts on Biomedical Application”,Turkish Journal of Computer Mathematics Education,Vol: 12, Issue: 11,pg:2677-2684
- K.Anand,A.Vijayaraj,M.Vijay Anand,”Privacy Preserving framework using Gaussian mutation based firebug optimization in cloud computing”, Springer,
- A.Vijayaraj,M.VijayAnand,N.Mageshkumar,S.Deepan,SP.Karuppiah,”Allocating Resources in Load Balancing Using Elastic Routing Table”,Annalsof R.S.C.B,1583-6258,Vol: 25, Issue: 6,pg:13051–13063
- M.VijayAnand,Devi.T,N.Poorniman,Gnanavel.R,”Accuracy Acquirement for petrol price Prediction Using Machine Learning Enchanced Random Forest Algorithm”,Vol:12,Issue:3,Pg:2468-2474
- S.Saranya,M.VijayAnand,T.RajesKumar,”Expert System Using Aritificial Intelligence Techniques for Diabetes”,Design Engineering,Issue 08,Pg:3688-3700
- Dr.Agayathri,Dr.M.VijayAnand,”Pandemeic Disease Control Practices Covid 19,A cross Sectional Survey”,Design Engineering,Issue:7,Pg:12933-12944
- V.Umarani,A.Julian,J.Deepa,”Senitment Analysis using Various Machbine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques”,Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences,
- Anitha Julian,Shaik Mohamed Rafi,Om Prakash Singh,VeerRaju Gampla,Monali Nitesh Shetty, A.Sudhakar,”Evaluation of efficient data Visualization System for the Assessment of Similar Data Visualization issues”, Turkish online Journal of Qualitative inquiry, Vol:12,Issue:03,Pg:1802-1818
- A.Revathi,R.Kaladevi,Kadiyala Ramana,Rutvij H.Jhaveri,Madapuri Rudra Kumar and M.Sankara Prasanna Kumar,”Early Detection of Cognitive Decline using Machine Learning Algorithm and Cognitive Ability Test, Vol:2022,Article ID:4190023,DOI,
- A.Revathi,R.Kaladevi,A.Gayathri,A.Manju,”Customized Learning Model Using Learner activity analysis, Vol:18,Issue:Special,Pg:607– 618,DOI,\
- Manickam.M, Gopirajan V.P,Balamurugan M.S,Amrithraj S,”Artificial Intelligence Technique based Power Theft Monitoring and Detection in a Power Distribution System”,Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud), I-SMAC 2021, 2021, pp. 1644–1652
- Gopirajan V.P,, Gopinath K.P,Sivaranjani G,Arun J,“Optimization of hydrothermal gasification process through machine learning approach: Experimental conditions, product yield and pollution”,Journal of Cleaner Production,2021, 306, 127302
- Velmurugesh Kumar N,R Nedunchelian,”Service – centric Dynamic Trust Analysis based Access Restriction and Block Chain, Public Auditing for Efficient Collaborative System in Cloud Environment,Vol:25, Issue:24, Pg:19153-19165.
- Saravanan Raju, S Soundararajan, V Loganathan,”MERN Stack Web Application, Vol:25, Issue:06,Pg:6325-6332
Academic Year 2020 – 2021
- S.Godfrey Winster, A.Sivakumar, Gopirajan P.V, N.BharathiRaja, M. Joel John, “Spontaneous Multi-Feature Face Identification using K-Nearest Neighbours Approach for Attendance Monitoring”, Solid State Technology, 0038-111X, Vol: 63, 2S. Pg: 5450-5460.
- H.Anwar Basha,S.Sasikumar,D.Dhanasekaran,”Multi-Keyword Privacy Security Protected Search Through Encrypted Data on Cloud Storage”,Turkish Journal of Computer Mathematics Education,1309-4653,Vol: 12, Issue: 7,pg:2341- 2348
- A.Prakash,M.Vijay Anand, M.Sudha,V.P.Gladis Pushparathi, “Theory, Method and Applications of Deep Learning Impacts on Biomedical Application”, Turkish Journal of Computer Mathematics Education, 1309-4653, Vol. 12, 11, Pg: 2677-2684.
- Anitha Julian, Marian Jose J. “Multi-criteria Leader Selection in Ad Hoc Networks Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process”. In: Komanapalli V.L.N., Sivakumaran N., Hampannavar S. (eds) Advances in Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation, and Control. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol 700, Pg: 2875-2885Springer, Singapore. (Scopus Indexed) IF 0.32.
- Revathi.A, Kaladevi R, Nageswaran.A, “Adaptive Video Streaming with Multidimensional Quality of Service”, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2515-8260, Vol: 7, Issue 8, Pg: 2098-2105.
- Ramar Kaladevi, Appovoo Revathi, “Review of Recent Pandemics, Causes and Research Perspectives”, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2515-8260, Vol: 7, Issue 11, Pg: 2091-2097.
- BharathiRaja.N, Ravindhar N V, Joel John, Pradeepa K, Gopirajan PV, “Predictive Analysis of Agricultural Crops in Cloud Computing using Sensor Networks”, Solid State Technology, 0038-111X, Vol: 63, 2S. Pg. 5467-5477.
- Dr. S Amudha, Niha K, “Design and Implementation of Novel Security Approach Designed for Cloud Computing with Load Balancing”, Solid State Technology,Vol:64, Issue:02, Pg:18780-19791.
- VelMurugeshKumar.N, R.Nedunchelian, “Service-Centric Dynamic Trust Analysis Based Access Restrictions and Blockchain”, Annals of R.S.C.B, 1583-6258, Vol: 25, Issue: 4, Pg: 19153-19165.
- Somasundaram Kasivswanathan, Dillibabu Ramalingam, “Development and application of user review quality model for embedded system”, Microprocessors and Microsystems,Elsevier, 0141-9331, Vol. 74, Pg: 1-15.
- Somasundaram Kasivswanathan, Dillibabu Ramalingam, Padma Priya K, “Analyzing and Validating Anthropological issues in the Embedded Software Project using Software failure Mode and Effects Analysis and paired “T” Test”, Solid State Technology, 0038-111X, Vol: 63, 2S. Pg: 5548-5565.
- Somasundaram K,Padma Priya K, S Karunakaran, “Application of an Integrated approach Framework using Kano and QFD in Requirement Elicitation for Software Product Develpment, Solid State Technology, Vol:63,Issue:02s,Pg:5428-5440.
- Gopirajan PV, Gopinath KP, Sivaranjani G, “Optimization of hydrothermal liquefaction process through machine learning approach: process conditions and oil yield”, Biomass conversion and Biorefinery, 2190-6823. (SCIE & Scopus Indexed).
- Sudharsanan R, Gopirajan PV and SureshKumar K, “Efficient Feature Extraction from Multispectral Images for Face Recognition Applications: A Deep Learning Approach”, Journal of Physics, 1742-6596. Pg. 1-14.
- Gopirajan PV, Gopinath KP, Sivaranjani G, Jayaseelam Arun, “Optimization of Hydrothermal Gasification Process through Machine Learning Approach: Experimental Conditions, Product Yield and Pollution” Journal of cleaner Production, 2666-7894.
Academic Year 2019 – 2020
- Vel Murugan, S.Godfrey Winster, “An Invincible Rudimentary Architecture for Date Security in Cloud Environment Using Multi Cloud”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2278-3075, Vol. 8, Issue 11. Pg: 2413-2421.
- N.V.Ravindhar, K.Anand, S.Hariharan, Ragavendran, “Intelligent Diagnosis of Cardiac Disease”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2278-3075, Vol. 8, Issue 11.
- Hariharan Shanmugasundaram, Ravindar N, Sree Ranjhani R, “Application Access for Chromatic Colour Detection”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2277-3878, Vol. 8, Issue 2.
- K.Kalaiselvi, G.R.Suresh, V.Ravi, “An efficient approach for the detection of link failures in WBAN system for health care applications”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley Journal, Vol. 32, Issue 15. (1 citation) IF 2.047.
- Thirunavukkarasu M, Dhinakarn K, Valarmathi P, Gnaendra Shanumugam and N Suryadevaraa, “Enterobacteriaceae protein virulence prediction based on hybrid composition features using support vector machines”, Science Direct, 2214-7853, Pg: 1603-1610.
- Annie Christina, A.R.Kavitha, “Serverless Computing Platform for Big Data Storage, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2277-3878, Vol. 8, Issue 3.
- A. Revathi, Anitha Julian, ICOGNOS – “A Secure and Adaptive E-Learning Suite”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2005-4238, Vol. 28, No. 13, 198-209 (Scopus Indexed)
- P.Kanirajan, Joly,T .R.Rajesh, “RBFNN BASE Inertia Parameters Identification of Robot Dynamics”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, 2349-6002, Vol. 6, Issue 5, Pg: 197.
- A.R.Kavitha, C.Chellamuthu, “Brain tumour detection using self-adaptive learning PSO-based feature selection algorithm in MRI images”, Business intelligence and data Mining, Vol. 15, Issue 1.
- Hariharan S, Nagappan G, Vijayanand M, Vidhya Sri S, Sree Ranjhani, “Efficient Eye Detection and Tracking using Smart Sensors”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering(IJRTE), 2278-3075, Vol. 9, Issue 1.
- K.Padmapriya, P.V.Gopirajan, K.Suresh Kumar, “Occlusion Detection with Background Elimination and Moving Object Tracking”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2277-3878, Vol. 8, Issue 4.
- Naveen Raju D. Hariharan S,Ramprasath, Manickam M, “Decision support System Analysis for Maligant Melanoma Detection”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering(IJRTE), 2277-3878, Vol. 8, Issue 4.
- P.Valarmathie, A.Manju, R.Mervin, “Digital Ownership by Biometric Watermarking”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 2249-8958, Vol. 9, 1S, Pg: 180-184.
- V.Loganathan, S.Godfrey Winster, “An Efficient Adaptive Load Balancing Scheme for Mitigating Reduction of Quality Based DDOS Attack on Cloud File storage”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2277-3878, Vol. 8, Issue 4.
- S.John Joseph, S Godfrey Winster, “Cloud Based Predictive Model for Airborne Disease Based Healthcare Data”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 2249-8958, Vol. 9, Issue 2, Pg : 837.
- A.Manju, P.Valarmathi, “Training Video Data for Semantic Content Extraction in Surveillance using Tensorflow”, Test Engineering & Management, 0193-4120, Vol. 82, Pg: 3016-3024.
- Ramar Kaladevi, Appovoo Revathi, Sivakumar Sridhar, “Development of Background Ontology for Weather Systems through Ontology Learning”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2277-3878, Vol. 8, Issue 5, Pg: 168-172.
- Bharathi Raja N, Joel John M, Ravindhar N V, Pradeepa K, Gopirajan PV, “Data Visualization using Augmented Reality and IOT”, Solid State Technology, 0038-111X, Vol. 63, 2S, Pg: 5478-5487.
- Karthikeyan V, Gokul Priyan K, Rajesh Siva, Gopirajan PV, “Computer Vision based Comparative Studies on the Physicochemical Analysis and Bacterial Biota in Different Milk Samples”, International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 0975-7538, Vol. 11, 3, Pg: 3699-3703.
- Gopirajan PV, Suresh Kumar K and N.Suganthi, “View Timer Based DTH-Set top BOX (TBD-DSTB) Using Cloud and IOT Application: A Detailed Survey by Indian Viewers”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology(IJAST), 2005-4238, Vol. 29, 6, Pg: 8326-8335.
- H.Anwar Basha, S.Sasikumar, D, Dhanasekaran, J.Arunnehru, “A Proficient remote information responsibility Check Protocol in multi-cloud Environment”, Evolutionary Intelligence, 1864-5917.
- A.Manju, P.Valarmathi, “Video analytics for semantic substance extraction using OpenCV in Python”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1868-5145.
Academic Year 2018 – 2019
- N.Jayalakshmi, R.G.Kavitha, “Privacy issues on FACEBOOK”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1314-3395, Vol. 119, Issue 15, Page: 1127-1134
- N.Jayalakshmi, K.Priya, “A Novel Pre-Processing Technique to Analyse Various Features on Retinal Images”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 1943-023X, Vol. 10, Issue 5, Pg: 1604
- N.Jayalakshmi, R.G.Kavitha, “The Privacy Risks in “Liking” on Facebook”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, 2250-0588, Vol. 8, Issue 7, Pg: 119-123
- K.Priya, N.Jayalakshmi, “An Efficient Pre-Processing Method to Extract Blood Vessel, Optic Disc and Exudates from Retinal Images”, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, 2321-9637, Vol. 6, Issue 9, Pg: 2379.
- M.VijayAnand, MuthuKrishnan R, Shanmugasundaram Hariharan, “Bee-Mimetic DSR Based Secure Routing in MANET using Artificial Bee Colony Optimization”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1314-3395, Vol. 119, Issue 17, Pg: 1337-1350 (2 citations).
- MuthuKrishnan R ,M.VijayAnand, Shanmugasundaram Hariharan, “Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1314-3395, Vol. 119, Issue 17, Pg: 1307-1319 (22 citations).
- Syed Sabir, M,Shanmugasundaram Hariharan, “A Performance study of text summarization model using heterogeneous data sources”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1314-3395, Vol. 119, Issue 16, Pg: 2001-2007.
- Ajitha V, P.Rajkumar, “Adept strategy for mining Explicit Preferences for Recommendations”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 10, Issue: 9.
- Dr.S.Godfrey Winster, Dr.S.V.N.Santhosh Kumar, Ms.Maria Jones, “Analysis of Mobile Environment for Ensuring Cyber Security in IOT based Digital Forensics”,Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer 2019,DOI:10.1007/978-981-13-3600-3_14, Pg:145-152.
Anna University Recognized Research Centre

Anna University Recognized Supervisors
S.No | Ref No | Name of the supervisor | Research area |
1 | 2740059 | Dr. Duraipandian N | Network Security, Sensor Network |
2 | Old No: 17.499.02 New No. 174042 | Dr. V. Vijaya Chamundeeswari | Satellite image processing |
Recognized Supervisors of Other Universities
S.No. | Supervisor Name | No. of Students | Research area | Universities |
1 | Dr. S. Sasikumar | 4 | Data Mining & Ware housing | Saveetha University |
Students name : G. Bharath Kumar, AdhitiyaKannankattil (IV year)
Faculty Mentor: Dr. G. Nagappan & Mr. V.Perumal
Amount : Rs. 3,92,707.00
Scheme: AICTE
Students name : Durai Sankar (IV year)
Faculty Mentor: Dr.N.Jayalakshmi
Title : FARM HUB
Amount : Rs. 3 Lakhs
Scheme : SERB- CRG/EEC
Title : Investigations on Machine Learning for Translation of Clinical Health Records for Diagnosis of Disease from reported symptoms
Principal investigator: Dr.S.Hariharan
Co-Investigator: Dr. Godfrey Winster
Total Cost: Rs. 16,72,000 lakhs
Students name : Sathish.S, Hemamalini.G (IV year)
Faculty Mentor: Dr. N.Jayalakshmi
Amount : Rs. 9.4 Lakhs
Students name : Mr.Akhil Nair (M.E)
Faculty Mentor: Dr. P. Valarmathie
Title : Design and Implementation of Smart Waste Management System
Amount : Rs 4,48,490 Lakhs
Recently Sanctioned NIWE Projects
1. PV Bench marking and performance analysis in Solar Power Plant
2. Use of SRRA data and IOT for agricultural applications in the area of plant growth monitoring and automation of irrigation activities
Details of ongoing Research Work
S.No | Title & Scope of the Project | Sponsoring Agency | Project Leader | Year in which started | Duration in months | Total(in Lakhs) |
1. | Semantic based event detection system using big data techniques | G.B engineering Enterprises private limited | Dr.P.Valarmathie | May 2015 | 36 months | 3.78 Lakhs |
2. | Zero 2 World | ZOINK | Dr.G.Nagappan Chief mentor | Jan 2015 | 2 years | 4 Lakhs |
3. | Big Data Analytics Implementation | Secon private limited,Bengaluru | Dr.S.Godfrey Winster | Jan 2015 | 2 years | 4 Lakhs |
R & D Lab Activities
List of MSME Project Proposals
S.No | Project Title | Principal Investigator(s) | Amount | Dept |
01 | Design and Implementation of Smart Waste Management System using Cloud Computing | Dr.P.Valarmathie | 4.48 Lakhs | CSE |
02 | Cloud Based Financial Investment System | Dr.J.Jayalakshmi | 6 Lakhs | CSE |
03 | Fully Automatic Mehandhi Drawing Machine | Dr.G.Nagappan Mr.V.Perumal | 3.92 Lakhs | CSE |
Research Proposals Submitted details (From Feb 2016 – June 2016)
S.No | Title of the Research Project | Name of the Investigators | Dept | Amount | Submitted / Funded organization |
1 | FPGA Based RFID Implementation and Analysis of EEG Signals using Diffusion Wavelets and Kernel Regression Technique forAlzheimer’s disease. | Dr.P.Valarmathie(PI) Dr.E.N.Ganesh (Co-PI) | CSE | 8.55 Lakhs | ICMR |
2 | SERB -Saveetha Engineering College Collaborative Cloud Computing (SERB-SECC³) | Dr.S.Godfrey Winster(PI) Dr.P.Valarmathie (Co-PI) | CSE | 40.71 Lakhs | DST-SERB |
3 | Integrated Digitization of E-Governance for Smart India | Dr.G.Nagappan(PI) | CSE | 19.17 Lakhs | DST-SERB |
Areas of consultancy and Income generation
– 16 Android projects developed for Aakash Tablets for IITB – Aakash project Center.
– Generated project ‘ SAVEETHA HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM’ for Saveetha University Hostels.
– Generated project ‘ SAVEETHA TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM’ for Saveetha University Transports.
– Involved in design of “AISHU” Semi Humanoid Robot for AVON Corporation, Mumbai in 2011.
– Participation in E-Yantra Project Competition by IITB in 2012 and received Appreciation and a FIRE BIRD V ROBOT from Prof. Kavi Arya, IITB – E-Yantra Lab.
EMC2 Centre of Academic Excellence for Data Science and Big Data Analytics in partnership with ICTACT
EMC2 through its Academic Alliance initiative will offer the technical expertise, resources, and study materials required for setting up the centers. This massive exercise provides the educational institutions with technology curricula to educate and transform the next generation of IT and data science professionals, and help meet the industry’s growing demand for advanced technology skills. Every year we are training 150 students for Data Science and Big Data Analytics certification.
ACADEMIC YEAR (2020-2021)
- VelMurugeshKumar.N, R.Nedunchelian, “Service-Centric Dynamic Trust Analysis Based Access Restrictions and Blockchain”, Annals of R.S.C.B, 1583-6258, Vol: 25, Issue: 4, Page: 19153-19165.
- Revathi.A, Kaladevi R, Nageswaran.A, “Adaptive Video Streaming with Multidimensional Quality of Service”, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2515-8260, Vol: 7, 8,
- S.Godfrey Winster, A.Sivakumar, Gopirajan P.V, N.BharathiRaja, M. Joel John, “Spontaneous Multi-Feature Face Identification using K-Nearest Neighbours Approach for Attendance Monitoring”, Solid State Technology, 0038-111X, Vol: 63, 2S,
- Ramar Kaladevi, Appovoo Revathi, “Review of Recent Pandemics, Causes and Research Perspectives”, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2515-8260, Vol: 7, 11
- Somasundaram Kasivswanathan, Dillibabu Ramalingam, “Development and application of user review quality model for embedded system”, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 0141-9331
- Somasundaram Kasivswanathan, Dillibabu Ramalingam, Padma Priya K, “Analyzing and Validating Anthropological issues in the Embedded Software Project using Software failure Mode and Effects Analysis and paired “T” Test”, Solid State Technology, 0038-111X, Vol: 63, 2S.
- BharathiRaja.N, Ravindhar N V, Joel John, Pradeepa K, Gopirajan PV, “Predictive Analysis of Agricultural Crops in Cloud Computing using Sensor Networks”, Solid State Technology, 0038-111X, Vol: 63, 2S.
- Gopirajan PV, Gopinath KP, Sivaranjani G, “Optimization of hydrothermal liquefaction process through machine learning approach: process conditions and oil yield”, Biomass conversion and Biorefinery, 2190-6823.
- Sudharsanan R, Gopirajan PV and SureshKumar K, “Efficient Feature Extraction from Multispectral Images for Face Recognition Applications: A Deep Learning Approach”, Journal of Physics, 1742-6596.
- Gopirajan PV, Gopinath KP, Sivaranjani G, Jayaseelam Arun, “Optimization of Hydrothermal Gasification Process through Machine Learning Approach: Experimental Conditions, Product Yield and Pollution” Journal of cleaner Production, 2666-7894.
- A.Prakash,M.Vijay Anand, M.Sudha,V.P.Gladis Pushparathi, “Theory, Method and Applications of Deep Learning Impacts on Biomedical Application”, Turkish Journal of Computer Mathematics Education, 1309-4653, Vol. 12, 11, 2677-2684.
- S.Amutha, Niha.K, “Design and Implementation of Novel Security Approach designed for cloud Computing with Load Balancing”, Solid State Technology, 0038-111X, Vol. 64, 2.
ACADEMIC YEAR (2019-2020)
- Vel Murugan, S.Godfrey Winster, “An Invincible Rudimentary Architecture for Date Security in Cloud Environment Using Multi Cloud”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2278-3075, Vol. 8, 11.
- N.V.Ravindhar, K.Anand, S.Hariharan, Ragavendran, “Intelligent Diagnosis of Cardiac Disease”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2278-3075, Vol. 8, 11
- Hariharan Shanmugasundaram, Ravindar N, Sree Ranjhani R, “Application Access for Chromatic Colour Detection”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2277-3878, Vol. 8, 2, 5499
- K.Kalaiselvi, G.R.Suresh, V.Ravi, “An efficient approach for the detection of link failures in WBAN system for health care applications”, Wiley Journal
- Thirunavukkarasu M, Dhinakarn K, Valarmathi P, Gnaendra Shanumugam and N Suryadevaraa, “Enterobacteriaceae protein virulence prediction based on hybrid composition features using support vector machines”, Science Direct, 2214-7853, Pg: 1603-1610
- Annie Christina, A.R.Kavitha, Serverless Computing Platform for Big Data Storage, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2277-3878, Vol. 8, 3
- A. Revathi, Anitha Julian, ICOGNOS – “A Secure and Adaptive E-Learning Suite”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2005-4238, Vol. 28, No. 13, 198-209
- P.Kanirajan, Joly,T .R.Rajesh, “RBFNN BASE Inertia Parameters Identification of Robot Dynamics”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, 2349-6002, Vol. 6, 5, 197
- A.R.Kavitha, C.Chellamuthu, “Brain tumour detection using self-adaptive learning PSO-based feature selection algorithm in MRI images”, Business intelligence and data Mining, Vol. 15, 1
- Hariharan S, Nagappan G, Vijayanand M, Vidhya Sri S, Sree Ranjhani, “Efficient Eye Detection and Tracking using Smart Sensors”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering(IJRTE), 2278-3075, Vol. 9, 1
- K.Padmapriya, P.V.Gopirajan, K.Suresh Kumar, “Occlusion Detection with Background Elimination and Moving Object Tracking”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2277-3878, Vol. 8, 4
- Naveen Raju D. Hariharan S,Ramprasath, Manickam M, “Decision support System Analysis for Maligant Melanoma Detection”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering(IJRTE), 2277-3878, Vol. 8, 4
- P.Valarmathie, A.Manju, R.Mervin, “Digital Ownership by Biometric Watermarking”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 2249-8958, Vol. 9, 1S, Page 180-184.
- V.Loganathan, S.Godfrey Winster, “An Efficient Adaptive Load Balancing Scheme for Mitigating Reduction of Quality Based DDOS Attack on Cloud File storage”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2277-3878, Vol. 8, 4
- S.John Joseph, S Godfrey Winster, “Cloud Based Predictive Model for Airborne Disease Based Healthcare Data”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 2249-8958, Vol. 9, 2, 837.
- A.Manju, P.Valarmathi, “Training Video Data for Semantic Content Extraction in Surveillance using Tensorflow”, Test Engineering & Management, 0193-4120, Vol. 82, 3016-3024.
- Ramar Kaladevi, Appovoo Revathi, Sivakumar Sridhar, “Development of Background Ontology for Weather Systems through Ontology Learning”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2277-3878, Vol. 8, 5, 168-172
- Bharathi Raja N,Joel John M,Ravindhar N V, Pradeepa K, Gopirajan PV, “Data Visualization using Augmented Reality and IOT”, Solid State Technology, 0038-111X, Vol. 63, 2S
- Karthikeyan V, Gokul Priyan K, Rajesh Siva, Gopirajan PV, “Computer Vision based Comparative Studies on the Physicochemical Analysis and Bacterial Biota in Different Milk Samples”, International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 0975-7538, Vol. 11, 3, 3699-3703.
- Gopirajan PV, Suresh Kumar K and N.Suganthi, “View Timer Based DTH-Set top BOX (TBD-DSTB) Using Cloud and IOT Application: A Detailed Survey by Indian Viewers”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology(IJAST), 2005-4238, Vol. 29, 6, 8326-8335.
- H.Anwar Basha, S.Sasikumar, D, Dhanasekaran, J.Arunnehru, “A Proficient remote information responsibility Check Protocol in multi-cloud Environment”, Evolutionary Intelligence, 1864-5917.
- A.Manju, P.Valarmathi, “Video analytics for semantic substance extraction using OpenCV in Python”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1868-5145.
ACADEMIC YEAR (2018-2019)
- N.Jayalakshmi, R.G.Kavitha, “Privacy issues on FACEBOOK”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1314-3395, Vol. 119, 15, Page: 1127-1134
- N.Jayalakshmi, K.Priya, “A Novel Pre-Processing Technique to Analyse Various Features on Retinal Images”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 1943-023X, Vol. 10, 5, 1604
- N.Jayalakshmi, R.G.Kavitha, “The Privacy Risks in “Liking” on Facebook”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, 2250-0588, Vol. 8, 7, 119-123
- K.Priya, N.Jayalakshmi, “An Efficient Pre-Processing Method to Extract Blood Vessel, Optic Disc and Exudates from Retinal Images”, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, 2321-9637, Vol. 6, 9, 2379
- M.VijayAnand, MuthuKrishnan R, Shanmugasundaram Hariharan, “Bee-Mimetic DSR Based Secure Routing in MANET using Artificial Bee Colony Optimization”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1314-3395, Vol. 119, 17, 1337-1350
- MuthuKrishnan R ,M.VijayAnand, Shanmugasundaram Hariharan, “Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1314-3395, Vol. 119, 17, 1307-1319
- Syed Sabir M,Shanmugasundaram Hariharan, “A Performance study of text summarization model using heterogeneous data sources”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1314-3395, Vol. 119, 16, 2001-2007
- Ajitha V, P.Rajkumar, “Adept strategy for mining Explicit Preferences for Recommendations”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 10, Issue: 9.
ACADEMIC YEAR (2017-2018)
1. G.Nagappan,Anandha Vignesh, “Artificially Intelligent Neural Learning Based Information Network”, TAGA Journal, volume 14,2018
2. S.Sasikumar,M.Goudhaman,M.Vanathi,”Frequency Synchronization Enhancement in Wireless Sensor Network using BAT Algorithm”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET),volume 9,No 6 Dec 2017-Jan 2018
3. S.Sasi Kumar,M.Goudhaman,M.Vanathi, “Conspectus Survey on Mammalian Algorithms”, IAETSD Journal for Advanced Research in applied Sciences ,Volume 5 ,Issue 4 ,April 2018
4. S.SasiKumar,N.Bharathiraja,S.Sellakumar,V.yeshwanth,Rohit,M.vaishali,N.Srimathi ,”Monitoring Driving Behaviour of Motor Vehicle with Mobile Application”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 no 15, 2018.
5. K.Kalaiselvi,G.R.Suresh,V.Ravi,”Gentic algorithm based sensor node classifications in wireless body area networks (WBAN) Cluster Computing”, Springer,9-3-18
6. N.Bharathiraja,N.V.Ravindhar,S.Sandhya,R.Abhishek,M.Shanthi “Event Monitoring and Sentiment Analysis System over Text Streams”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 no 15, 2018.
7. N.V.Ravindhar,N.Bharathiraja,B.Rohith,N.Sathish kumar,S.Sai Sowmya,” Virtual Personal Assistant with Chatbot”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 no 15, 2018.
8. K.Kalaiselvi,G.R.Suresh,V.Ravi,” Efficient shortest path approach using cluster based Warshall’s Algorithm in wireless body sensor networks”, International Research Journal of Engineering, Volume 5 issue 6, June 6 2018.
9. K.Kalaiselvi,G.R.Suresh,V.Ravi,” Energy Efficient L-Bear algorithm for wireless body sensor networks”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, volume 7, Issue 5, 2018.
10. D.Gayathri,K.Rajasri,Balasundari Ilanthirayan,A.Sundra,”Real Time Panoramic Video in OpenCV using Image Stitching Techniques” ,JCSE international Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering ,Volume 6 ,Special issue 3 ,April 2018
11. R.Parameswari,K.Vani, “A Framework for Electronic Healthcare Monitoring System Using Service Oriented Architecture”, Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Volume 4, Special issue, June 2017.
12. B.T.Geetha,B.Padmavathi,V.Perumal,”Design Methodologies and and circuit Optimization Techniques for Low Power CMOS VLSI Design”,IEEE International Conference on Power ,Control ,Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI ), 2017.
13. .T.Geetha,V.Perumal,”Survey of Different Techniques Involved in Library Management Services “,IEEE International Conference on Power ,Control ,Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI ), 2017.
14. Vani.K,Maitraye.M, ”Identification of Structural Changes in Protocols to Evaluate Bandwidth Utilization”,IJSTE International Journal of Science and Technology & Engineering ,Volume 4 ,Issue 5,Nov 2017.
15. R.Bhuvaneswari ,R.Ramachandran ,”OLSR Protocol Denial of Service Attack Solution using Fictitious Nodes and Key Management “, International Journal on Engineering and Technology,Volume 9,Issue 3 Jun-July 2017.
16. A.Manju,P.Valarmathie,”Fuzzy Rule Based Model for semantic content extraction in video Big Data”,ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Science,Volume 13,Issue 9 , May 2018.
ACADEMIC YEAR (2016-2017)
1. P. Valarmathie, V Sivakrithika and K Dinakaran,”Classification of Mammogram Masses using Selected Texture, shape and Margin Features with Multilayer perception Classifier”, Biomedical Research, Special issue, 2016.
2. S. Sasikumar, J. Akila and S. Godfrey Winster , “Recommending the Social Videos from Relevant Content Promoter”, International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 769-779, December 2016.
3. V. Ajitha and P. Rajkumar, “Mining Multilevel Association rules with Hidden granules for recommendations”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 9, No. 12, pp. 5655-5663, 2016.
4. V. Perumal, B. T. Geetha, “Improving the Spectrum Aware Mobility Management in Cognetive Radio Network”, International Conference on Power, Control, Signal and Information Engineering (ICPCSI-2017).
5. K. Anand, A. Chandra Sekar, G. Nagappan, “Enhanced AES Algorithm using 512 Bit Key Implementation”, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciece and Humanities, 253,Feb 2017.
6. Vinoth Kumar L, R. Saravanan, “Security Improvement of Virtual Banking Application Using Multifactor Application”, IJSRSET 173353, Vol 3, Issue 3, ISSN: 2395-1990,272,2017
7. G. Nagappan, Preethi K, “Auromated Recognition of Object in Digital Image and Real Time Videos”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol 9, No 5,may 2017
8. Sundar R, Jayalakshmi N, “Credence Based Sollitude Copanion for Online Social Network”, IJSRSET162322, Vol 3, Issue 3, ISSN: 2395-1990,2017.
9. A. Babisha, S. P. Gisla Jean, “Random Infection Countermeasure for Block Ciphers against Fault Attacks”,International Conference on Emerging Technologies,2017.
10. A. Manju, P. Valarmathie, “Impact of Big Data by Proliferation of Videos in Video Surveillance”, IJCTA, 9(36),2016.
11. R. Mervin, S. Murugesh, A. Jaya “Representing Natural Language Sentences in RDF Graph and Discourse Representation for Ontology Mapping”, International Journal of Applies Engineering Research ISSN:0973-4562, Vol 11, No 1,2016.
12. R. Mervin, A. Jaya, “ A Novel Approach of Collaborative KBQA System using Ontology”, Indian Journal of Science and Technologies, Vol 9(48), ISSN : 0974-6846,Dec 2016.
13. V. Perumal, Paul Rodrigues, “ An Expert Secured Data Communication in Wireless Networks using an Active Key Generation”, Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities, 1240,Dec 2016.
14. G. Nagappan, “Exploition Click Constraints and Multiview Features for Image Ranking”, International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology,Vol 4, issue 5, ISSN: 2321-3237, June 2016.
15. N. Jayalakshmi, R. G. Kavitha, “ A Survey on Privacy Social Networking Websites”, Adarsh Journal of Information Technology, Vol 5, Issue 2, ISSN 2320-0340, 30,Sep 2016.
16. M. Vinodhini, A. Manju, “A Survey on Big Data Analytics in E-Commerce”, IJISET ISSN (2455-8494), Special Issue Vol 01, No 01, 61, June 2016.
17. K. Anand, A. Manju, “A Survey on PDF Extraction and Generation of Slides”, IJSET ISSN : (2455-8494), Special Issue Vol 01, No 01, 23, June 2016.
18. K. Kalaiselvi, G. R. Suresh, V. Ravi, “ An Energy Efficient Classification Approach for the Detection of Interference in Wireless Body Area Network”, International Journal of Printing, Packaging and Allied Science, Bol 4, No 6, ISSN: 2320-4387, 4252, Dec 2016.
19. K. Kalaiselvi, G.R. Suresh, “Robust Biometric Based Authentication Scheme using Watemarking”,IJIEST ISSN: (2455-8494), Special Issue Bol 1, No 1, 113, June 2016.
20. M.Vetripriya, K.Anand, “A Survey of Attribute Based Encryption with Privacy Preserving in Cloud Application”, IJISET ISSN: (2455-8494),Special Issue Vol 01, No 01,June 2016.
21. Rajalakshmi, Vel Murugesh Kumar N,”A Survey on Feedback Analysis on the Cloud Service Environment”, IJIEST ISSN: (2455-8494), Special Issue Vol 1, No 1, 57,June 2016.
22. Prem Rosia, Vel Murugesh Kumar N,”A Survey on Energy Saving of a Collaboration Environment in Cloud Computing ”, IJIEST ISSN: (2455-8494), Special Issue Vol 1, No 1, June 2016
23. Prem Rosia, Vel Murugesh Kumar N, ” Energy Efficient Control for Resources of a Collaboration Environment in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering and Technology (IJARCET), Vol 5,Issue 6, June 2016.
24. S. Arun Raj, V. Loganathan, ”Personalized Search and Recommendations for Movies in a Relational Database”, IJIEST ISSN: 2455-8494, Vol 1, No 2,June 2016.
ACADEMIC YEAR (2015-2016)
1. Aruna Devi. S, Godfrey Winster. S and Sasi Kumar. S, “Patient Health Monitoring System (PHMS)using IoT Devices”, International Journal of Computer Science And Engineering Technology, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 68-73, 2016.
2. J. Indra Mercy and M. Kanimozhi, L. Maria Michael Visuwasam, and S. Previtha Shalomi Dinisha, “Secured Information Retreival using CIDS and Mapp Reducing in Cloud”, International Journal of new innovations in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 26-30, 2016.
3. M. Kanimozhi and J. Indra Mercy, “Retrieval of image from moving cameras and robust action matching”, International Journal of new innovations in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 6-9, 2016.
4. N. Bharathiraja, N. Ravindhar, V.Loganathan, “ Secure PIN Authentication for ATM Transaction using Mobile Application”, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering(IJSEC), ISSN: 22312307, Volume 6, Issue 2.
5. A. Manju, P. Valarmathie, “Impact of Big Data by Proliferation of Videos in Video Surveillance”, IJCTA, 9(36), 2016, pp 693-701.
6. C. Rajagopal, V. Ajitha, P. Rajkumar, “Enhancing Quality of Service Parameters in Optical Data Packet Switching Networks”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Vol – 10, N0 – 4, pp – 3439 3442.
7. V. Ajitha, C. Rajagopal, P. Rajkumar, ”Development of Efficient Methods for Mining Hidden Granules on Relational Database Systems”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Vol – 10, No-4, pp 3433-3438.
8. Vinodhini M, Manju A,” An Efficient Online Shopping System using Map Reduce Framework in Big Data”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering and Technology (IJARCET), Vol – 5, Issue – 5.
9. Aruna M, Manju A, “Automatic Slide Generation of Academiv Paper”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 2321-9653, volume 1, Issue V.
10. A. Manju, P. Valarmathie, “ A Study on Organizing Multimedia Big Data”, IJIEST, ISSN 2155-6494, Vol – 01, No – 01.
11. H. Haripriya, K. Kalaiselvi, G. R. Suresh, “ Optimix\zation of Query Processing using Wireless Body Area Networks based on Cloud”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering and Technology, IJARCET, Vol – 5, Issue – 4.
12. H. Haripriya, K. Kalaiselvi, G. R. Suresh, “ Performance Analysis of Query rocessing Algorithms in Ubiqutious Healthcare Services using Wireless Body Area Networks”, IJIEST ISSN (2455-8494), Special Issue Vol – 01, No – 01.
13. Vetripriya M. K. Anand, “ Implementation of Attribute Based Encryption with Privacy Preserving in Cloud Application”, International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics(IJETCSE), Issue 0976-1353, Vol – 21, Issue – 2.
14. Bharathiraja N, Ravindhar N. V, Loganathan V, “Secure PIN Authentication for ATM Transaction using Mobile Application”, International Journal of Soft Computing (IJSCE) ISSN:2231-2307, Vol – 6, Issue – 2.
15. Lincy W, Naveen Kumar M, “ A Survey on Challenges in Sentiment Analysis”, International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics(IJETCSE), Issue 0976-1353, Vol-21, Issue – 3.
16. Manju A, P Valarmathie, Organizing Multimedia Big Data using Semantic Based Video Content Extration Technique”, International Journal of Soft Computing and Network Security(IJSNS-2015) 978-1-4799-1753-2/15.
17. Vidhyasagar S, Manju A, “Enhancing Semantic Focused CRA WLER And Ontology Learning for Mining Services in Web Environment”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Vol – 10, N0-30.
18. K. Anand, A. Chamdra Sekar,”Invulnerable Colossal Information Storage Based on Dynamic Encryption Algorithm on Cloud”, International Journal of Soft Computing 10(IJSCE) ISSN:1816-9503.
19. S. Supriya, N. Vel Murugesh Kumar, “Attribute Based Encryption with Privacy presering Access Control in Clouds”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,ISSN 0973-4562, Vol – 10, N0-30, 22763.
20. Bhuvaneshwari S, Loganathan V,”Self Distruction Data System in Cloud and HDD Based on Active Storage Framework”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,ISSN 0973-4562, Vol – 10, N0-30, 23031.
21. C. Saranya, V. Loganathan, S. Godfrey Winster, “Implementation of Active Storage in Efficient Virtual File System”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, vol-10, No-10,4583.
22. N. Jayalakshmi, R. G. Kavitha, “Privacy in Social Networking Websites”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET). E-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072,2109.
ACADEMIC YEAR (2014-2015)
1. Ms.V.Ajitha, Mining hidden granules from relational database system for recommendation, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 140-145, 2015.
2. Dr.G.Nagappan, The colour –based Autonomous File Extraction, International Conference on Computer Communication and System, pp 20-21, 2014.
3. R.Saravanan,Repeated Node Taxonomy Method for Intrusion Dection in Mobile Ad Hoc Network ,Research Journal of Applied Science ,Engineering and Technology,pp 277-281,2015.
4. Monica Maiti and Manju. A, “Enhancing Automated Diagnosis of ECG using HL7 Medical Device Communication”, International Journal Of Science And Innovative Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 60-66, 2015.
5. Dr.S.Sasi Kumar,Godfrey Winster,Aruna Devi, Comparative Analysis of Classification Techniques on Heart Disease Dataset, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,Vol 10 No 52,2015.
6. Manju. A, “Distributed Cache for Bigdata Using Mapreduce”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, No. 30, pp. 22806-22810, 2015.
7. Ms.Mervin ,Efficient Approach to Ranking the answer in KBQA using Ontology, International Journal of Science And Innovation Engineering & Technology ,Volume 1 ,May 2015.
8. R.Sujatha,Preservation of Privacy for Multiparty Computation System with Homomorphism Encryption, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ,Volume 4 ,Issue 3 March 2014.
9. SivaKumar.A ,Joel John.M,D.Retheesh,Implementing Hybrid Protocol in MANETs using DAWN Techniques, International Journal of Innovation in Engineering and Technology (IJIET),Volume 3 ,Issue 4 ,April 2014.
10. Aruna Devi.S and Manju. A, “Enhancing Security Features in Cloud Computing for healthcare using cipher and inter cloud”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 200-203, 2014.
11. Aruna Devi. S and D.Ramalingam, “Searching and Rating of Trusted Blogs on Web Pages”, International Journal of Latest trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 78-80, 2014.
12. N.Jayalakshmi, Cell Lineage Construction of Neural Progenitor Cells, International Journal of Computer Application, Volume 90, No 4, 2014.
13. K.Kalaiselvi, Distance based clustering algorithm for energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol 626, pp 20-25, 2014.
14. K.Kalaiselvi, Survey on Data Aggregation Based Algorithms for Energy Efficiency in wireless sensor network, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol 9, No 21, 2014.
15. V. Ajitha, Effiecient Implementation of bit parallel finite field Multipliers, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2014.
16. V.Perumal, An Empirical Survey on various Malicious Security Attacks in Online Transactions, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) Volume 1, Issue 5, Oct 2014.
17. V.Perumal,A secure and Efficient Group Transmission in wireless Networks using a random key generation and Encryption, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,pp16917-16932,volume 9, No 23,2014
ACADEMIC YEAR (2013-2014)
1. Manju. A, “Automated Path Ascend Forum Crawling”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol. 2, No.3, pp. 1-4, 2013.
2. D.Ramalingam, “A Tool for finding bugs in web applications”, International Journal of Latest trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 306-310, 2013.
3. Retheesh. D, “Efficient Implementation of Bit Parallel Finite Field Multipliers”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 661-667, 2014.
4. Retheesh. D, “Analysis of FPGA Designs of Parallel High Performance Multipliers”, International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 70-77, 2014.
5. D.Muthukumar and D.Ramalingam, “Face Feature Extraction using Fast Haar Transform”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 923-928, 2014.
6. Godfrey Winster. S and Swamynathan. S, “Ontology based blog collection and profile based personalized ranking”, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 69-79, 2014.