• E&I department library is available for the department faculty and students for immediate reference.
• It is housed with more than 100 volumes of books to cater to the need of Anna university syllabus. It consists of text and reference books in different disciplines.
• It has Books in the areas of Basic Electronics, Instrumentation , Process control, Measurements, Sensors Transducers, Control Systems, Analog and Digital Electronics, VLSI Design, Neural Networks, Fuzzy, Microprocessor etc and managerial books are also available to develop the student’s aptitude, verbal and personality development skills.
• All the B.E and project work reports are available for the student’s reference.

• Process control lab enhances the student’s ability and provides a real time experience as in the process industries.
• The students are studying the characteristics of various process control loops such as temperature, liquid level, flow and pressure systems.
• The effect of various control actions for a particular process is being observed and an optimum controller setting is determined using different control algorithms.
• From this lab, the students benefitted by learning mathematical modelling of various processes and obtaining the tuning parameters to control the process
• They learn to control the major physical processes using scaled down replicas of the process plants. The systems can be controlled by the Digital PID controller and Computer.
• Process control lab gives a close light on process like flow, level, temperature and pressure. It enables the students to gain a vivid and comprehensive practical knowledge about the industrial requirements.
• They also learn to use various virtual simulation platforms such as mat lab, scada, labview etc., for the mathematically model the various processes.
• In control of process laboratory, the students are explained with the concept of controlling different continuous /discrete process, using computers.
• The complex control system is simulated using MATLAB package.
• The students are given ample training to draw ladder logic diagram for a given sequence of operations thereby converting it into PLCs program format and the corresponding simulation/real time results are observed.

• This lab is well furnished with good quality equipment’s like, Function generators, Digital Storage Oscilloscopes, CROs etc.
• This lab covers the experiments related to Operational Amplifier and its applications
• This laboratory aims to give learners an understanding of electronic devices and the skills needed to simulate, construct and test a variety of electronic circuits.
• Electronics devices are used in a huge variety of manufactured products. From everyday popular items such as cameras and thermometers to the robotic welding machines used in industry, the use of electronics is continually growing.
• This Lab provides a practical introduction to basic electronic devices , analog/digital electronic principles.
• It provides learners with an opportunity to investigate operation of the most important building components of electronic circuits, viz. diodes and transistors.
• The overall aim is to build learners confidence in their ability to construct and test simple electronic circuits.
• The emphasis is on prototyping, constructing and measuring electronic circuits. The unit treats systems in terms of their functionality and their input/output relationships.
• Students gain knowledge of designing and building electronic circuits.
• It helps them to gain hands on experience in debugging and testing circuits and in depth knowledge in using analog and digital circuits.

• Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering are more fortunate to have a sophisticated VI laboratory.
• The lab is fully air conditioned and can accommodate thirty students per session.
• The lab is equipped with more than ten PCs and some were installed with licensed version of LabVIEW 2010. The special features of the latest version of LabVIEW include NxT Robotics and RF communication.
• A couple of robots are available for experimentation purpose. One robot is a “pick and place” type which can be programmed to sense metal explosives and can be implemented for bomb disposal.
• Other one has a couple of brushes which act like wipers and hence can be used for cleaning purpose.
• PCs are supported by Intel® core processor and Windows XP Professional OS.DAQ signal accessories and NI ELVIS have been bought from National Instruments which enable to generate and acquire signals from real world. Five DAQ cards of four different specifications namely PCI 6221, PCI 6013, PCI1171 (add-on card) and PCI 6251 are being used
• There are communication devices like EPM shielded cable and signal connector board in this lab.

• Industrial Instrumentation lab is basically concerned with the calibration of various primary sensing devices and measurement of various non-electrical parameters such as temperature, torque, viscosity, PH and conductivity etc…
• Also the students are trained to analyse various process fluid parameters using UV spectrophotometer.