• All submissions undergo a double-blind peer review process.
  • Manuscripts must be original work, with plagiarism not exceeding10 %.
  • Authors must disclose the possible conflicts of interest, sources of funding, and affiliations that may impact their findings and interpretation.
  •  Authors need to share their data and methods with others to facilitate the replication and validation of their results. Additionally, they must include thorough explanations of their methodologies and procedures in their manuscripts.
  • It is imperative for authors to provide full disclosure regarding the funding sources for their research, and any potential conflicts of interest that could potentially impact the integrity of their work

Key Note Speakers

  • Dr. K.N. Subramanya, an eminent educator and Principal, RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru
  • Dr. Prathiba Nagabhushan, Educational Psychologist based at St. Mary MacKillop College in Canberra


Chief Patron

Dr. N. M. Veeraiyan,

Founder President & Chancellor,

Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences.


 Dr. V. Saveetha Rajesh,

Director, NMV University.

Dr. S. Rajesh,

Director, Saveetha Engineering College.

Advisory Committee members

Dr. Krishna Vedula, Executive Director, IUCEE

Dr. JohnD Rodney, Sunchon National University Rep. of Korea.

Dr Alvaro Rocha, Faculty ,University of Coimbra, Portugal

Dr. Vedapriyavadana, University of West Scotland, London

Dr. N. Renuka, Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE

Dr. Beulah Jackson, Vel Tech RangarajanDr. Sagunthala R &D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai

Dr.Prakash Hegde,KLE Technological University, Hubballi

Dr. K. Velmurugan Anurag University

Dr. Jeyamala Thiyagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Details of Programme Committee

Dr. Krishna Vedula, Executive Director, IUCEE

Dr. Prathiba Nagabhushan, Faculty, Australian Catholic University, Canberra

Dr. Rashpinder Kaur, Assitant Professor, Chitkara University

Dr. Ruhi Bakhare, Head Research Cell & Assistant Professor, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies & Research, Deekshabhoomi

Dr. Jeyamala Chandrasekaran, Associate Professor, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai

Dr. D. Anitha, Assistant Professor, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai

Dr. K. Rajeswari, Associate Professor, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai

Dr. K. Velmurugan, Assistant Professor, Anurag University

Dr. Prakash Hegade, Assistant Professor, KLE Technological University, Hubli

Dr. R. Kaladevi, Associate Professor, Panimalar Engineering College

Editorial Board members

Dr. Sheeba Joice. C

Dean,Saveetha Teaching Learning Center,

Professor and Deputy Head

Department of ECE, Saveetha Engineering College.

Dr. M. Selvi

Professor and Deputy Head,

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Saveetha Engineering College