Centre of Excellence in Fintech introduces for the MBA Program at SEC

We are happy to introduce the Centre of Excellence in Fintech, powered by the National Stock Exchange (NSE) for the MBA program at SEC – Saveetha Engineering College (Autonomous), Affiliated to Anna University.
Join the Best Flexible, Forward-Thinking MBA program at SEC. Take the next step towards a future of endless possibilities.
Salient features:
✨ AI/ML integrated Curriculum
✨ Exclusive Fintech and NSE Smart Lab
✨ Outbound Experiential Learning
✨ Entrepreneurship Boot Camps
Admissions are open for the 2024 Batch. Apply Now.
✨ Online Reg. Link: https://bit.ly/admissionsec
✨ Visit our Website: https://bit.ly/mbaatsec
✨ Email us at: admission@saveetha.ac.in
✨ Contact us: +91-8939902737 / 044-66726690