SEC has become the First Affiliated HEI in India to introduce a “Fully Flexible Choice-Based Credit System”

Saveetha Engineering College conducted a special ceremony of Commemoration of Securing a Trademark from the Indian Patent Office for its innovative “SEC FLEXILEARN” system, a Fully Flexible Choice-Based Credit System that empowers learners to customize their learning experience on 13th Aug 2024. Distinguished guests, including Prof. Rajive Kumar, Member Secretary, All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi; Dr. S. K. Varshney, former Head of the International Scientific Cooperation, DST, New Delhi and Smt. Mahalakshmi, Assistant Registrar of Trade Marks & Geographical Indications, Indian Patent Office, Chennai took part and felicitated the pioneering efforts of SEC’s personalisation of engineering education in India.

SEC has become the “First Affiliated Higher Education Institution (HEI) in India” to introduce a “Fully Flexible Choice-Based Credit System” that allows learners to select their Subjects, Faculty, Schedule, and Domain from the first semester onwards. The chief guests praised SEC for revolutionizing higher education with the “FLEXILEARN” program, which aligns perfectly with learners’ interests and career goals.