We are looking for well-organized, resourceful Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor to join our excellent faculty.
The responsibilities include, but are not limited to, teaching a requisite number of graduate classes, assisting with the development of course material, supervising students, regularly publishing articles, serving on committees, attending conferences, writing proposals for grants, delivering presentations, Conduct independent research and provide subject-related advice to the faculty and handling other administrative duties.
Key Skills
Learning Beyond Management (LBM).
Learning Gamified.
Outbound Experiential Learning (OBL).
International Certifications.
Corporate Connect Events.
Employment Onboard Programs.
Entrepreneurship Initiatives & Start up Support (YUGA).
Tech Integrated Smart Air-conditioned Class Rooms.
Choice Based Credit System & Trending Specializations.
Curriculum design, Preparing learning materials and delivering course content.
Conducting research, Publishing Research Articles, Getting funded projects, Developing products and Patens
Publishing research, attending conferences, delivering expert talks, and networking with others in the field.
Willingness to Up Skill learn new technologies
Organizing Conferences, FDP, events with committees, departments, and academics.
Providing training and mentoring to teaching assistants and junior lecturers.
Reviewing teaching techniques, materials, tools and proposing ideas for improvement.
Assisting with interviews, employment and academic counselling sessions for Learners.
Contributing to the creation of an environment that promotes growth and equality.