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praveen Kumar


Academic Scores:
Satellite Communication                                           140.5934
Satellite Communication                                           160.6258
Ad Hoc And Sensor Networks                                   138.0565
AD HOC AND SENSOR NETWORKS                    119.861

Area of Specialization:

  • MEMS
  • Bio-MEMS
  • Biosensors
  • Energy Havesters
  • Nano material synthesis and characterization

Research Interests:

My Research interests include design of Porous silicon / PDMS based Bio filters for separating various bio-molecules in sample of blood. Mostly, my research work focus on Bio-molecule separations and Bio-analyte sensing for various bio-applications. My aim is to provide a Point of care Bio-devices.

Selected Publications:

  • Praveen Kumar S, Lingaraja D, Mahiz mathi P, Dinesh Ram G, “An experimental study of optoelectronic properties of porous silicon for solar cell applications”, Optik (2019), Vol. 178, pp: 216-23.
  • Praveen Kumar S, Srigitha S Nath, Dinesh Ram G, Ramya S, Priya M, “Design Optimization and Simulation of Micro-ElectroMechanical System based Solar Energy Harvester for Low Voltage Applications”, Journal of renewable and sustainable energy (2018), Vol. 10,
  • Aravind Thangavel, Ramesh Rengaswamy, Praveenkumar Sukumar, "Design and material analysis for prototyping of four arm mechanical microgripper with self-locking and anti-slipping capability", Microsystem Technologies (2019), Vol. 25, 851-60.
  • Aravind Thangavel, Ramesh Rengaswamy, Praveen Kumar Sukumar, Ramya Sekar, "Modelling of Chevron electrothermal actuator and its performance analysis", Microsystem Technologies (2018), Vol. 24, 1767- 74.
  • Deepa A.V, Priya Murugasen, P. Muralimanohar, S. Praveen Kumar, "Optical studies of lanthanum oxide doped phosphate glasses", Optik (2018), Vol. 160, 348-52.
  • S Praveenkumar, S Manikandan, D Lingaraja, T Sugapriya, “A review of doped and undoped ZnO nanoparticles for fabrication of gas sensor”, Sensor letters (2018), Vol. 16, pp: 889-900.

Journal Publications:

  • Praveen Kumar S, Srigitha S Nath, Dinesh Ram G, Ramesh R, “Computational Modeling of Dielectrophoretic Microfluidic Channel for Simultaneous Separation of Red Blood Cells and Platelets”, Current Signal Transduction Therapy (2019), Vol. 14.
  • Praveenkumar S, Sridhar P Arjunan, Lingaraja D, Dinesh Ram G, “Design and computational modeling of spiral microfluidic channel for sorting and separating the biomolecules”, Current signal transduction therapy (2018), Vol 13.
  • Maharaj, S. Praveenkumar, "Design and simulation of FPGA based RISC-CPU and system on chip", International journal of pure and applied mathematics (2018), Vol. 119 (15), pp. 535-46.
  • Praveen Kumar S, Ramesh R, Aravind T, “Selective adsorbtion of low density lipoprotein from blood using porous silicon”, Advanced materials letters (2018), Vol. 9 (2), pp: 142-47.
  • Praveen Kumar S, Ramesh R, Aravind T, “Analysis of Different Size Microchannel through Particle Tracing for Biomolecule Separation”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (2017), Vol. 14 (7), pp: 3351-55.
  • Praveen Kumar S, Ramesh R, Aravind T, “Study on Different Meander Structured Microchannel: A Biofilter”, Biomedical Research (2017), Vol. 28 (8), pp: 3688-92.
  • Praveen Kumar S, Ramesh R, Aravind T, “Silicon based biofilter for biomolecule separation”, Biomedical research (2017), Vol. 28 (9), pp: 4181-86.
  • Praveen Kumar S, Ramesh R, Aravind T, “Porous based immunosensor for detection of LDL molecules from blood serum using array of cantilever beam”, Journal of advances in chemistry (2017), Vol. 13 (7), pp: 6333-40.
  • S Praveen Kumar, R Ramesh, T Aravind, S Ramya, “Polymer based biofilter”, Journal of advances in chemistry (2017), vol. 13 (7), pp: 6327-32.
  • S Praveen Kumar, T Aravind, G Karman Frances Raj, “Design and simulation analyses of MEMS gripper with aluminium and nickel alloys”, ARPN journal of engineering and applied sciences (2015), Vol. 10 (10), pp: 4610-13.
  • T Aravind, R Ramesh, S Praveen Kumar, “Design and simulation of a novel polymer based 4 arms mechanical microgripper for micromanipulation”, World applied sciences journal (2016), Vol. 34 (10), pp: 1318-25.
  • S Praveen Kumar, T Aravind, G Karman Frances Raj, “Design and simulation analyses of a cantilever based energy harvester with hinge suspension for enhanced DOF”, Australian journal of basic and applied sciences (2015), Vol. 9 (16), pp: 19-24.
  • Praveen kumar, S, Ramesh, R & Aravind, T 2016, ‘Isolation and detection of Low density lipoprotein using porous silicon based array of cantilever’, International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences (2017), Vol. 4, pp. 2488-97.
  • Beneya L, Praveen Kumar S, “A novel model of RF MEMS shunt switch”, International journal of Research in engineering and technology (2014), Vol. 3 (5), pp: 780-83.
  • S Praveenkumar, “Feature extraction of retinal image for diagnosis of abnormal eyes”, ICTACT Journal of image and video processing (2011), Vol 01, Issue 4, pp: 213-19.
  • Praveen Kumar, T.Aravind, G.Karman Frances Raj, P.Prasanth, “Design of Pressure sensor with Phase Change liquid for temperature Detection”, International journal of computational engineering research (2013).
  • Praveen Kumar, T.Aravind, G.Karman Frances Raj, “Design of Diaphragm Based Sensor for detection of Arsorane”, International journal of scientific and engineering research (2013), Vol. 4 (10).
  • H, S.Praveen Kumar, “Modeling and Simulaitn of Micro tweezer for tissue manipulation”, International journal of Research in engineering and technology (2014).
  • Praveen Kumar, T.Aravind, G.Karman Frances Raj, “Design and Simulation study analyses of flux based LOC regulator cum Mixer for Bio medical Drug Delivery”, International journal of applied engineering research (2014), Vol. 10.


  • Design of progressive tool, P Palanisamy, M Bakkiyaraj, M Suresh, S Praveenkumar, M Makesh, 201941011457A (2019).

Book chapters:

  • Kannan, G.Muthuraman, I.S.Moon, S.Manikandan, S.Praveen Kumar, “Preparation and characterizations of Ti/SnO2/Sb2O3/PbO2 electrode using sol-gel electrochemical combined coating towards long term stability and application to electrochemical degradation of Methyl orange”, Advances in Nano Instrumentation Systems and Computational Techniques, NOVA Publications (2018).

  • S Praveen Kumar, S Manikandan, P MahizMathi, D Lingaraja, “Thermally Induced ZnO Nanoparticles Synthesis through Bulk Addition Method: An Innovative Approach”, Advances in Nano Instrumentation Systems and Computational Techniques, NOVA Publications (2018).

National &International Conference:

  • T Aravind, R Ramesh, S Praveen Kumar, S Ramya, “Comparative study of different materials on performance of chevron shaped bent-beam thermal actuator”, ICSCS (2018), Springer nature publication, pp: 743-51.
  • Mahiz Mathi P, D Lingaraja, S Ramya, G Dinesh Ram, "Design of Pinched Flow Fractionation Based MEMS Device for Size and Density Based Cell Separation”, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical sciences (2017), ICIEEE, pp: 84-87.  
  • S Praveen Kumar, T Aravind, Karman Frances Raj, Prudhviraj K, MahizMathi P, “MEMS based force sensor for structural mechanics interpretation in micro devices”, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical sciences (2017), ICIEEE, pp: 39-42.
  • G Dinesh Ram, S Praveen Kumar, “PVDF polymer-based MEMS cantilever for energy harvesting”, Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems (2016), Springer Publications, pp: 917-23.
  • D Lingaraja, S Praveen Kumar, “Methods and Materials for Adsorbing the Benzene Molecule Based on Micro Electro Mechanical System”, Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems (2016), Springer Publications, pp: 1059-66.
  • K Swarnalatha, T Sripriya, S Praveen Kumar, “Separation of Blood Cells Using Silicon-Based Microfilter”, Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems (2016), Springer Publications, pp: 925-32.
  • T Aravind, S Praveen Kumar, G Karman Frances Raj, K Kishore Kumar, “Design and simulation study of polymer coated micro filter for detection of airborne particles”, International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (2014), pp: 134-37.
  • T Aravind, S Praveen Kumar, G Karman Frances Raj, P Prasanth, P SashtiGobinath, “A novel thermo pneumatic based micropump and microvalve using phase change liquid”, International journal on smart structures and systems (2013), IEEE, pp: 66-69.
  • Arunkumar, K and Praveen Kumar, S, “Design and simulation of microfluidic channel”, IEEE conference on Smart Structures & Systems (2013), pp. 70-73.
  • VinodRajendran, PraveenkumarSukumar, L Sujatha, “Modeling and simulation of MEMS energy harvester”, IEEE 33rd International Telecommunications Energy Conference (2011), pp: 1-6.
  • S Praveen Kumar, P SashtiGobinath, S SaravanaPrasanth, P Prasanth, “Design of vibratory MEMS gyroscope for gait phase detection system”, IEEE International conference on smart structures and systems (2014), pp: 131-33.
  • D Febrine Sheela, S Praveenkumar, “Design and simulation of microfluidic filter”, IEEE International conference on smart structures and systems (2013), pp: 74-76.
  • AdhaviShri A S, S Praveen Kumar, T Aravind, “Design of MEMS gyroscope to detect and monitor parkinson’s disease – A study”, IEEE International conference on smart structures and systems (2013), pp: 77-81.

Working Papers:

  • Simulation and investigation of MEMS bilayer solar energy harvester for smart wireless sensor applications.
  • Current research on electrochemical biosensor – A review.

Work in Progress:

  • Biomolecule separation
  • Cardiac biomarker sensing
  • Hormone level detection

Academic Experience:

  • Professor – Saveetha Engineering College (01.03.2018 to till date)
  • Associate Professor – Saveetha Engineering College (01.06.2013 to 28.02.2018)
  • Assistant Professor (SG) - Saveetha Engineering College (01.06.2011 to 31.02.2013)
  • Assistant Professor (OG) - Saveetha Engineering College (23.08.2007 to 31.05.2011)
  • Lecturer – Jaya Engineering College (10.08.2005 to 20.08.2007)

Guideship Details:

  • University: Anna University
  • Supervisor reference no: 3340031

Conferences/Seminars/Workshops Attended:

  • Raja Rajeswari, N, Praveen Kumar S, Gnanavel B K 2019, “Microfluidic flow in Hollow Microneedle for Transdermal Drug Delivery”, International Conference on Advancement in Technology of Engineering & Management (ICATEM 2019), MDIS University, Singapore & Taylor’s University, Malaysia, February 14-19, 2019.
  • Ramesh, S. Praveen Kumar, T. Aravind, G. Karman Frances Raj, “Design and Optimization of A Infected Cell using Polymerized MicroGripper”, International Conference on Advancement in Technology of Engineering & Management (ICATEM 2019), MDIS University, Singapore & Taylor’s University, Malaysia, February 14-19, 2019.
  • K Kannan, G Muthuraman, I S Moon, S Praveenkumar, T K Srinivasan, "Preparation and characteriazation of Ti/SnO2-Sb2O3/PbO2 electrode using sol-gel electrochemical combined coating towards long term stability study", International conference on advances in new materials, University of Madras, June 8-9, 2018.
  • G Dinesh Ram, S Praveen Kumar, R Priya, "Design and simulation of piezoresistive based MEMS cantilever for sensing level of potassium in soil", International conference on advanced semiconductor materials and devices, March 8-10 2018.
  • S Praveen Kumar, “Modeling of efficient Micro pump for transdermal drug delivery”, ICONIC Conference (2012).

Invited Presentation:

  • Review onFabrication of Porous Silicon Formation and analyze its effectiveParameters’,International Conference on Emerging Management and Technology for Economic Sustainability, Abudhabi (2017).
  • Selective adsorption of low density lipoprotein from blood using porous silicon, European Advanced material congress, Sweden (2017).
  • Biomolecule sepration: A Biofilter, World congress & expo on biotechnology and bioengineering, Bio Core, Dubai (2017).
  • Biosensors, RVS college of Engineering & Technology, Dindigul (2012).
  • AboutIntellisuite software, Dr M G R University, Chennai (2011)


  • IEEE - Institution for Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  • ISSS - Institution of Smart Structures and Systems
  • ISTE - Indian Society for Technical Education
  • IAAM - International Association of Advance Materials
  • IEI - Institute of Engineers India


placement sec 2021

Saveetha Engineering College (SEC) has always been a favourite destination of recruitment for over 230+ Multinational companies and firms. Our focus on placement centers on creating new approaches to attract the best from the industry to our campus.

  • 97% Placement in 2023 Batch.
  • 197 plus Multinational Company visited our Campus
  • 1302 Placement Offers
  • Highest CTC of Rs. 34 Lakhs per annum
  • Average CTC of Rs. 5.36 Lakhs per annum


  • Prof. K. K. Aggarwal, Chairman -NBA, New Delhi

    I have seen this college is taking the full advantage of Autonomous status and designed the curriculum properly. The placement of this college is very good. It was pleasant to see that the greatest paradigm of the education based on quality curriculum, outcome based education, and new emerging technologies are implemented in the curriculum. I'm very sure that the graduates of this college will continue to serve the society.
  • Mr. Jayaprakash Gandhi, Career Consultant & Analyst

    Feeling great to be at Saveetha Engineering College. Students are very interactive and eager to learn emerging technologies. Best wishes.
  • Mr. Udayakumar Ramamoorthy, Managing Director, Cloud First Products and Platforms, Accenture - India

    Unbelievable campus and was amazed with the Lab infrastructure, Teaching methodology and Framework. Very well informed and researched leadership. It was a pleasant and wonderful experience at SEC.
  • Ms. Rohini, Master's in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Windsor, Canada

    The most significant period of my student life was at Saveetha Engineering College (SEC). In SEC I learned the confidence to accomplish something that I previously thought was quite unachievable. When I got the chance to pursue an engineering degree, I was eager to learn new skills in the heart of Chennai, particularly at the SEC, to prepare me for the remainder of my coursework and future employment. If you want a fantastic environment and intriguing study options right in Chennai, SEC is one of the BEST options. I am now a proud Saveetha Engineering College alumni who have accomplished something greater than my wildest dreams.
  • Ms. Chandragiri Preethi, Master’s in Business Analytics, University of New Haven, USA

    My journey with Saveetha Engineering College (SEC) was incredible. We all know that college life plays a vital role in every student's life. I have enjoyed my student life during my Bachelor’s. Saveetha enhances the students to gain knowledge and confidence in every aspect. We have the best faculty and infrastructure too. The years I spent here, gave me a lot of memories for a lifetime. I got placed in IBM as an Associate Application Developer through Saveetha placements. Currently, I am pursuing my Master’s in Business Analytics at the University of New Haven, USA.
  • Ms. E. Cindhu, Application Developer, IBM

    College life is known as one of the most memorable years of one's life. It is entirely different from school life. In same way college life at Saveetha exposes us to new experiences and things that we were not familiar with earlier. Saveetha Engineering College provides us wide variety of activities from which students can explore academics, sports and lot more co-curricular events. These activities not only allow students to interact with each other but also help them to grow their selfconfidence. I elect myself as one of the examples. I built lot more self-confidence to face the external world with courage. Also, I had student friendly environment which makes me free to raise queries regarding academics and co-curricular activities.
  • Mr. Raghavender, placed at SAP

    Hi! Education is our passport to the future. Saveetha Engineering College, so passionately encouraged us to explore more in the field of engineering. Being a Computer Science graduate, I was provided with immense opportunities such as Hackathons, Technical Events, and Webinars of various Top organizations. Professors are very friendly-minded and helped us to explore to the fullest.
  • Ms. S. Divya, SAP Consultant, IBM India Pvt. Ltd.

    A college is a crucial part of everyone's life. To learn, have fun and set up a path in your career! A college is moreover a collaboration of everything to make us a better person in life by expertise! If you admit it, then trust me Saveetha Engineering College is probably the best! I have been to three Hackathons in my four years journey. We had an opportunity to showcase our technical skills and present our projects to the Government of India.
  • Mr. Thilak Gowtham T N, Product Consultant, ZOHO

    Saveetha Engineering College (SEC) gave me a phenomenal space for holistic development. SEC has set up grounds for a complete progressive career. Saveetha Engineering College has been a turning point and my alma mater for success. Along with work, I am also a part of the Executive MBA class from a top B school that happened due to the rich experience I had during my undergraduate days at SEC.

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