About SEC Clubs
At Saveetha Engineering College, our students are acquainted with varied flavors of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. SEC Clubs are offered to assist students’ skilling themselves at various dimensions, starting from Programming to Entrepreneurship skills, with a plethora of benefits including creating a network, sharpening skills, developing teamwork skills, establish a support system and a break from studies.
Motivation towards creating SEC clubs
SEC clubs are functioning on the campus to help students learn new skills and gain fresh experiences. Co-curricular and Extracurricular activities offer great developmental benefits to help students grow professionally. Joining a Campus club benefit you to gain knowledge, skills and experience in leadership, good communication skills, excellent problem-solving skills, group development and management, presentation and Public speaking. In addition, club activities will also expand your CV, making your CV stand apart from your peers.
At the Campus, Students have the option to choose their passionate club and become members.
- Coders Club
- Literary Club
- Math Club
- Chemsoft Club
- Robotics Club
- Curis Club
- Innovation Club
- Young India Club
Go ahead, Find your Passion, Join the Club and Make a Memorable Journey in the Campus.